10-26-2020 Newsletter

Jam Pak News! October 26, 2020

Hello to our Members, Fans, Families, and People Who Also Help,

  1. Our website has a brand-new look, is phone friendly, and has a new address: www.jampak.org. Thanks to Mark Hickler for the design and big work to make it happen. Do check it out!

  2. Very exciting! Jam Pak has a NEW book release. We wish we could have a party to honor this wonderful story: Webster - Our Remarkable Goose. Howard Anderson loved this story and Webster and made possible for the book to be officially published for Jam Pak. It is available at Amazon. com or in person from Jam Pak. All proceeds are to help support Jam Pak.

Jam Pak hosted Beach House Review #33 and Beach Day on September 26th. The whole show is available on our own You Tube channel: You Tube Jam Pak Blues ‘N’ Grass Neighborhood Band. The show was wonderful! There are lots of new videos up and fun things to watch.

BIG NEWS: We Hope! We will start back in person with small groups only, masked and sanitized, beginning the week of November 1st. There are varying views on masks and safety, but we will be following the protocol used by our schools. Our safety is number one. Next is making music!

We continue to use ZOOM! IBMA (International Bluegrass Music Association) ran a first class virtual conference and festival. Joelle Tambe-Ebot, Lucy Tanyi, and I were members of the panel: “Inspiring Youth Diversity in Bluegrass”. It was great. And we are now part of the ongoing work for Diversity—Equity—Inclusion sponsored by IBMA.

I love this quote I found in my parents’ things from high school in 1921. Kind of sums it up.



Virtual Performance at the Herberger Museum


Zoom! Zoom! Zoom: We are not standing still!